Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Drinking With Democrats

It’s Week 2 of the political conventions, which makes this the perfect time to take a look at the Democrats and their imbibing commanders-in-chief.

“Drinking with Democrats” author Mark Will-Weber has concocted a read that’s funny and refreshing, giving you insight into those Democratic Party Animals and their choice of liberal libations.

While not all presidents fit easily into the Democratic ranks, thanks to parties that are now defunct, Will-Weber does an excellent job aligning those who were known as Democratic Republicans (Not a typo.) into the party base while providing liberal pours of politically incorrect history on the  Dems, behind-the-scenes at the White House.

You’ll discover interesting Democratic POTUS drinking facts like:

Thomas Jefferson
Which Democratic presidents utilized liquor to buy votes?

What president could always be counted on to retell his squirrel whiskey tale?

Who was the founding father of wine?

What POTUS enjoyed beers in Ireland and impressed the natives with his ability to drink Irish beer?

Who had a fondness for Bourbon? (Lots of Bourbon.)

And what Commander-in-Chief preferred beer to any other beverage?

Mark Will-Weber
Mark Will-Weber, a seasoned journalist and magazine editor, offers an amusing, tongue-in-cheek look at past Democratic presidents and their drinking habits including favorite beverages, drink recipes and bar tips poured out with a twist of humorous antidotes. 

So pour your favorite libation, turn on the tube and tipple along with the Democrats as you peruse this book. You might find you’re mighty impressed with that drink!

~ Joy

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Drinking With Republicans

Ah, the political conventions are upon us. In view of this election year (and whichever party you’re supporting), a drink (or three) may be necessary to get through these next couple of weeks.

The GOP is currently holding the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, so this could be the perfect time to take a break from all the “He said, She said” and just settle down with a libation and an amazingly fun read that deals with past presidents, their intake, and their outtakes, on alcohol. 

Mark Will Weber
Drinking With Republicans, by Mark Will-Weber, provides great historical insights into the Grand Old Party's presidents and their libations of choice. Will-Weber, a seasoned journalist and magazine editor, offers an amusing, tongue-in-cheek look at past Republican presidents and their drinking habits including favorite beverages, drink recipes and bar tips poured out with a twist of humorous antidotes.You'll discover entertaining Republican POTUS drinking facts like:

What president was the father of modern Bourbon Whiskey?

What president violated Prohibition?

Which POTUS enjoyed drinking with his staff?

Which presidents lubricated foreign affair proceedings with a few drinks?

And what Commander-in-Chiefs switched out the expensive liquor for run-of-the-mill once the party got started? (Yes, there's more than one.)

And what about those presidents who don't fit easily into the Republican or Democratic ranks, thanks to parties that are now defunct? (George Washington, John Adams, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Milford Filmore, to be precise.) Will-Weber does an excellent job aligning those Whigs, Independents and Federalists into the Republican party base, all the while providing politically incorrect history on these conservatives and their behind-the-scenes incidents at the White House.

The national political conventions happen only once every four years, so go ahead, mix up your favorite drink, grab the television remote (you political diehards), and settle down to reading Drinking With Republicans while watching the GOP Convention. You may decide to have another drink and just leave the sound down … This book is entertaining enough!

(Fair play: Next week, it’s the Democrats turn at the bar.)

~ Joy