Halloween – the perfect time to explore a haunted winery or two. This is our last look at haunted U.S.
wineries, so pour a glass of something dark and brooding as we explore some
‘spirited’ wineries, and those who make them so…
Ste Michelle is the oldest winery in Washington State and one of the most
acclaimed. Located near
Woodinville on 105 wooded acres, Chateau Ste Michelle is also said to be haunted.

Manor House was built in 1912 by Seattle lumber baron Frederick Stimson. The winery actually began in 1934 with
the formation of the Pommerelle Wine Company, which made fruit wines, and the
National Wine Company. In 1954,
the two companies merged to form American Wine Growers. Ste Michelle began in 1967 as a new
line of wines for the AWG Company.
years later, in 1976, a French style Chateau was built in Woodinville and the
name was changed to Chateau Ste Michelle.
In 1984, the winery helped obtain federal BATF (Bureau of Alcohol,
Firearms and Tobacco) recognition of the Columbia Valley as an AVA (American
Viticulture Area.)
original Manor House is the location of most spirited reports. It is used for meetings and special
dinners held in connection to the winery.
According to staff, a female ghost haunts
the back servants stairs of the house, which connects to the kitchen and second
floor. Windows on the upper level open on their own, lights go on and off, and
doors open and close, seemingly at will.
Cold spots, shadows and footsteps also seem to move from the stairs to
the second floor rooms.
spirited female keeps employees on their toes at Argyle Winery in Dundee,
Oregon. Located in the Willamette
Valley, Argyle Winery was founded in 1987. Argyle is celebrating its 25th year in business
this year, but its ghost has been around for over a century.
female spirit that haunts the winery is believed to be that of Lena Elsie
Imus. Lena lived in the house that
is now the winery and committed suicide there in 1908 by swallowing carbolic
acid. She was 25 years old. According to news reports she was unconscious for
ten hours after ingesting the acid.
She was then awake for 24 hours before she died. During that time she said she had
become depressed and thought she had nothing to live for.
apparently Lena wasn’t ready to move on.
Employees report smelling flowery perfume in the house, laughter comes
from empty rooms, lights turn on and off, footsteps can be heard upstairs when
no one is there, and gusts of air blow through the house when it is still
outside. Staff also reports that
glasses have been heard breaking and shattering in other
rooms, but when
investigated no glass can be found.
Winery is known for its Pinot Noir wines and they have named one in honor of
Lena. SpiritHouse Pinot Noir is a tribute to Argyle’s resident ghost.
Imus is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery at Dundee, along side her father and two
brothers. On her tombstone are
inscribed the words, “Not Dead, But Gone Before”……
Winery is open daily from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. If you stop in, be sure to try the SpiritHouse wine and raise
a glass in honor of Lena. For more
information, visit
for a look at haunted cemeteries.
Happy Halloween!!